Phill Morgan
Phill Morgan is one of the advisers on the Sammy and the Magical Sandbox series. Phill has enjoyed recapturing the spirit of his childhood throughout the creative process and when he's not helping out on Sammy, loves nothing more than to travel off the beaten path and around the world. (Phill's next adventure will see him travel through India on a motorcycle).
Phill places great importance on philanthropy and is looking forward to The Magic 5 initiative which will see the Sammy series partner with 5 amazing organizations and together create an impact around the world.

Jen Angell
Jen is avid hiker, skier, snowshoe'r, scuba diver and traveler living the dream in beautiful Colorado, USA. While she's not outdoors spending time with Mother Nature, Jen is the lead web developer for the Sammy Series website.
"I believe the concept of the Sammy Series is a beautiful and fun way to educate children about other cultures around the world. Loving diversity is a fundamental human concept that needs to be nurtured and taught to our children, and the Sammy books are a great way to start that conversation." - Jen